^Show ^Present ^Magnify ~example~ ~presence~ ~exemplary~
^Maximize ~choice~
in its ^Favor.
- Appearance of ~good~ and ~evil~ from it ~when~ favorable.
- ^Hide appearance of those differences ~where~ they are unfavorable.
- ^Name-or-express in ~preference~ to ^Respond to it or ^Accept it.
^Inspire ~emotion~ against ^What may ^Harm it.
- ^Contend or ^Chastise on its behalf only for its ~purpose~ and only ^When we ^Discern an advantage.
- ^Contend, ^Chastise or ^Escape only those ^Who do not ^Respect it.
^Magnify is a mode of ^Change with an ~aim~ to ^Establish itself only ~where~ ~prudent~. For those ^Who ^Find themselves in a ~war~ to ^Discern differences. For those ^Who ^Look for their ~BEST~ ^Love yet ^Feel it may ^Drown in a multitude of opinions.
Anytime we ^Need ^More ~space~ to ^MESS or ^Heal. Anytime we must ^Win-or-lose ~trust~. We can ^Magnify it anytime we ^Need to ^Inspire a ~choice~ despite ~weakness~. ^Always.