^Surprise ^Shock ^Exhaust ~weary~ ~exhausted~ ~faint~


From Empathy or Function to Shock to Life.


  1. In a ^Base of ~empathy~ or ~function~, ^Thirst for ^Normal ^Life. 
    1. In its ~season~, ^Sense any ~lack~ or ~excess~ of ~life~, ~emotion~, ~daily-self-care~, ~forgiveness~ or ~rest~ for ourselves, others or our world. 
    2. ^Signal of ^Water, ^Illness, ^Love, ^Light or sound. 
    3. ^Act with ^Lack or ^Excess of effect. 


^Surprise is a mode of ^Boundary and of ^Emotion.  ^Surprise in ourselves, others or our world is in ~opposition~ to ^Life in ourselves, others or our world.  ^When a ^Loss or ^Gain in ~life~ causes ~surprise~, even ^When ^Love causes it, we may ^Need to ^Seek a new ^Lens in ~replacement~. 


To ^Find ^Normal resolution of ^Surprise, ^Become in ^Harmony to ^Emotion or in ^Focus to ^Refresh.  ^When we ^Find ^No ~emnity~ ~between~ ~one-another~ and our ^Normal ~life~, we may ^Forgive, ^Refresh and ^Rest freely. 

Anytime with caution as to the nature of the ~source~. 

As a ^Buddy, ^When we ^Notice a ~lack~ or ~excess~ of ~surprise~, we may ^Offer a ^Normal ~space~ to ^Rest anytime they ^Give their ^Normal ~trust~ to that ~end~. 

Anytime in ~focus~ to ~embrace~ or in ~motivation~ of ~life~.  ^When in ~harmony~ to ~daily-self-care~ and ~emotion~ as we ~restore~ ourselves, others or our world. 

Our emotions ^Model ~lack~ of ~awareness~, so we ^Unmask the ~full~ ~truth~ of it only as we ~heal~ from it. 


My Notes