^Choose ~choice~
^Rotate to ^Separate ~outlook~ from ~intuition~ from ^When we ~learn~
so that we ^Act to ^Feel to ^Think in a ~cycle~.
- ^Act on it. ^Avoid outside interference. Must ^Come ~first~.
- ^Feel it. Must ^Come second.
- ^Think about it. Must ^Come only ^Last and not beforehand or ~between~ ~steps~. ^Think is the means to ^Evaluate past ~results~ to ^Refine ~consequence~ of ~choice~.
^Choose is a mode of ^Agency in which we ^Act, ^Feel and ^Think in a ~cycle~. Ingredients of the ^Mind in a controlled ^Cycle. This can ^Happen in ~less~ than a second or over the course of an ~hour~ or ~week~. ^Exercise this ~model~ to ^Help ourselves to ^Choose ^What is in us, ^Who is with us and ^What is around us. ^When we ^Think or ^Feel before we ^Act we ~stop~ our ~choice~ and so we ~limit~ ~how~ much we can ^Govern our ~own~ experience! ^Prefer a ~choice~ that will support ^Undo readily or that will ^Minimize ~consequence~. Single ^Step it with ~full~ ~commitment~ and ^Focus! ^Identify motion through the ~process~.
Anytime we ^Start to ^Work with our ^Mind or that of others, we may ~immediately~ ^Consider the power to ^Choose to ^Maximize ~independence~. After we ^Exercise ^Care so that it is not to ~excess~. Anytime we ^Want to ^Learn from ~intuition~ and ~outlook~ combined, we may ^Choose and ^Practice it to ~perfection~.
Anytime in ~respect~ and ~privacy~.
Anytime we have a ~goal~, we can ^Choose to do it! We ^Need not ^Wait to ^Feel it once we ^Believe it is ^Good for us so just ^Choose it instead. ^Make a time for it ^Regularly.